S.A.D.E.'s Hope
Antonia Acevedo
Co-Founder & CEO

Born in North Carolina, Antonia Acevedo, the Atlanta based CEO and Co-Founder of S.A.D.E.’s Hope, Inc., started this organization in an effort to increase awareness, inspire action and fuel culture change specifically in the areas of teen dating abuse and intimate partner violence. S.A.D.E.’s Hope, Inc.’s mission is to provide resources, referrals and advocacy for all domestic violence victims and survivors regardless of race, ethnicity, or religion.
Like so many victims, Antonia endured years of physical, mental, and emotional abuse during her marriage in her late teens, early twenties. After the birth of her second child, Antonia began pursuing her educational and career goals because she knew in her heart that she could not continue to be a victim. Eventually, Antonia found the courage to leave a violent situation that has led to the untimely demise of many others. But the journey did not end there, as Antonia grew and discovered her worth, she decided to dedicate her life serving as the voice for those without the courage to speak and take a stand against domestic violence.
In an effort to effectuate this change, Antonia received her B.A. in Social and Criminal Justice and completed her training as a victim’s advocate with the Office of Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center and the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
As a survivor of domestic violence, Antonia feels it is her obligation to correct untruths about an issue she knows very well, helping others find their worth and most importantly, their voice.
John T. Rose
Co-Founder & COO

John Rose was born and raised in Jamaica Queens, NY. In May of 2018, he received his Juris Doctorate and certification in Transactional Law from Emory University School of Law. While in law school, John served as a legal intern at the Atlanta Hawks, Interscope Records, and Fox Television Stations. John currently works as an associate in the Atlanta office of the Fox Rothschild law firm.
As a member of the Firm's corporate, entertainment, media & sports and complex business litigation practices, John represents a variety of high-profile clients, including award-winning creatives, multi-platinum recording artist and producers, and celebrity entertainers. His life long goal through his practice and civic engagement is to be an industry and cultural paradigm-shifting force in the law and beyond.
John co-founded SADE’s Hope, Inc. in an effort to build awareness on the issues of domestic violence and to provide resources to those victims and survivors in his younger generation.